How to use the STAR technique in a job interview

Are you looking for available internships or job positions right now? If so, how prepared are you?
If you find it hard to give concise answers when in an interview, or if you are unsure how you can share your accomplishments with the interviewer without sounding like you are bragging – you’ve come to the right place.
The STAR interview process method might be able to help you. Using this method of answering the questions will give you the chance to provide more concrete answers and examples with proof that you have the experience and skills for the particular job at hand. Some people learn this technique at University.
STAR stands for: Situation, Tasks, Action and Result. If you use this strategy when you are responding to the interview questions. Most recruiters ask questions such as: “Could you tell us about a time when…”, and what they want is a concise and specific answer. The STAR-technique can help you with this.
What is the STAR method?
The star interview method is a way that you can answer the behavioural interview questions. These questions are typically about experiences you have had in the past. The questions can be about how you handled a certain situation or project. Employers will use this technique to analyse the applicant’s experience and find the qualities and skills they are looking for. If you are looking for the best internships in Australia, then you have to learn this technique.
What are the STAR key concepts?
Star is an acronym for the four concepts that are listed above. Each of the concepts is a step that the job candidate can use to help them answer the tough behavioural questions. By using the four steps, you can then give the interviewer a comprehensive answer. The concepts that are in the acronym are of the following:
Situation: This is where you describe the context. Talk about a challenge or a time when you worked on a specific project. For example, if you were working on a project in a group and had a disagreement with your coworker. The situation can draw on examples from a volunteer experience or work experience.
Task: Next, you need to describe what your responsibilities were when in that situation. Did you need to help the group reach a tight deadline, hit a sales target or resolve conflict?
Action: Here is where you describe how you got the task done, or how you met the challenge. You need to focus on what you did, rather than what the boss, team or coworker did. Remember to be specific and don’t talk about what you “would do” in that situation – only what you actually did.
Result: The result is where you explain the outcomes or the results that were generated by the action that you took. Emphasise on what was accomplished and what you learnt from that experience.
How do you prepare for an interview with STAR?
Since you won’t know what the interview will ask and what techniques they will be using, you can benefit from preparing a few different scenarios from the previous jobs you had.
Make a list of the type of skills and experience that is listed in the job description. It can also be helpful to look at other job listings that are similar, for indications of what skills and qualities are required to be successful in that industry.
Now try to think about examples of situations where you used those skills. Be sure to practice talking about the situation, task, action and the result for each example.
Using the STAR technique can make your interview feel less daunting. It will also make you look like a competent worker who knows exactly how to handle tough situations.
A final tip:
In the current circumstances, you might need to work from home when you get a new job – so make sure you prepare yourself for that. The better you become at managing your time, the better your chances of success when working from your home office.